Em parceria com a Jean Monnet Network, o IRI/PUC-Rio realizará a Conferência Internacional “Another World is Possible” no dia 18 de Setembro no Auditório do RDC, localizado no Campus da PUC-Rio Gávea, entre 9h e 18h.
Não é necessário realizar inscrição prévia.
O evento será ministrado em inglês e não haverá tradução simultânea.
“Brazil is experiencing the strongest economic crisis of its history. Endemic corruption, presidential coalition crisis, media oligopoly, politicization of the judiciary and/or judicialization of politics have increased the political polarization and violence, right-wing populism, the alienation of the citizens with the political class and institutions, and led to a profound democratic crisis.
Europe, after a lost decade, is just about overcoming the economic impacts of the Great Recession, but is still confronted with its social, regional and political impacts in terms of increasing inequality and poverty and regional divergences and unemployment.
Politically, the crisis and its impact are far from over. Austerity programmes and the overlapping refugee crisis have dramatically changed the political landscape in Europe. The management of the global financial crisis provoked a massive mobilisation and rise of protest and new social movements and political parties. The loss of trust in traditional political parties and institutions, political polarization, increased xenophobia, populism, Euro-scepticism, secessionism (Brexit), anti-globalization and alter mundi movements are the expression of the perceived “democratic deficit” in European and Global governance and of the need for urgent action.
The Jean Monnet Network “Crisis – Equity – Democracy for Europe and Latin America” was established in 2016 with the objective of promoting research and exchanges departing from the assumption that Latin America and Europe can both learn from their respective experiences on crisis response and the distributive and democratic implications at national and regional level. Democratic and distributive aspects of crisis response (monetary, financial & economic policies and institutional reforms) are key but have not been adequately addressed in the literature nor in politics.
Furthermore, opening a dialogue in the field of socio-macroeconomic policies and crisis management would provide an additional strategic content to the Strategic Alliance of EU with Brazil and Latin America.”
Rational of Conference
First, the international conference shall serve to take stock and compare what is happening in Brazil and Latin America and of what has happened in Europe since the Global financial crisis broke out.
Second we intend to put this evaluation into perspective with the demands, visions and strategies of the new social movements such as the Indignados and Occupy Wall Street.
Third, the conference shall serve as a platform of exchange of social movements, academia with leading politicians from Europe and Latin America, students and the broader public.
Last but not least serve to evaluate social movements’ strategies as protest movements, participating in traditional parties and/or founding of new parties, leading governments, forming alliances and overcoming opposition.
Chair: Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann, PUC-Rio
Stephan Schulmeister, Professor, University of Vienna
Yiannis Bournous, Member of SYRIZA Political Secretariat, Head of European & International Affairs of the Party and also Head of Strategic Planning of the Greek Prime Minister.
Luiz Eduardo Melin, Brazilian Central Bank
Simone Romano, Senior Fellow, Istituto Affari Internazionali; Intesa Sanpaolo Fellow Research and Lecturer, Roma Tre University
13.00 – 14.30 LUNCH
Chair: José Ruiz Briceno, Universidad Cooperativa Bogota
Gemma Ubasart, ex-secretary general de PODEMOS Catalunia, Professor at Universidad de Gerona, Spain
Gabriele Rodrigues Pereira, member of Movimento Passe Livre (MPL)
Michel Navarro, member Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Teto (MTST)