No semestre de 2019.2, o Laboratório de Metodologia do Instituto de Relações Internacionais/PUC-Rio e o Projeto GlobalGRACE promoveram a Oficina de Métodos Participativos/ Participatory Methods. A Oficina foi ministrada pela Professora Dra. Phoebe Kisubi (University of Cape Town) nos dias 21 e 22 de Outubro de 18h às 21h (6h totais).

When research and research methods are historically imbricated in violence and structural marginalization of the ‘other’, contemporary research raises many methodological and ethical challenges. It calls for a troubling underlying logic of traditional positivist methods, a challenging of who ‘the knower’ is. It calls for placing emphasis on contesting structural grammars along race, class, gender, sexuality, religion and ability/disability as well as representation. Participatory methods – such as participatory action research offers possibilities to challenge these structures, as social justice is heavily embedded in them. In this oficina, we will engage with participatory methods, with examples from both my doctoral research and the current GlobalGRACE project in Cape Town-South Africa I am working on entitled: Participatory theatre and the production of cultures of equality with and by sex workers in South Africa. This will include vignettes from the 1 st public performance beginning of August 2019 of the SW Theatre Group in South Africa.
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Phoebe Kisubi Mbasalaki – Lecturer and Researcher – University of Cape Town
Phoebe is a lecturer on the gender studies program at the Africa Gender Institute (AGI) – University of Cape Town. She is also a post-doctoral research fellow on the GlobalGRACE project ( housed at the AGI and the Centre for Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies (CTDPS) – University of Cape Town as well as the NGO – Sex Workers Advocacy and Educational Task Force (SWEAT). She holds a doctorate in Gender, Media and Culture from the Graduate Gender Studies Programme, Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Phoebe was also a lecturer at Utrecht University and taught on the Graduate Gender Studies Programme, feminist theory and feminist research methods. Her research interests are in critical race, gender, class, sexuality, public health as well as decolonial thought and praxis. Phoebe has also worked in various fields including gender, HIV and public health with agencies such UNDP, UNAIDS and WHO.