Multilateralism, democracy and EU-LAC relations in times of permacrisis

28 Set
29 Set

Global and regional institutions have been contested over the last decades for a lack of representativeness and inclusivity. More recently, far right leaders and movements around the world have also accused international institutions of being too intrusive and limiting their ‘freedom’. The weakening of multilateral institutions and the difficulties of achieving fair and effective collective responses to international crises such as the global financial crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, the War in Ukraine, and climate change have affected countries and societies in many ways, mostly, accentuating inequalities and political fragilities within and among countries, and generating a perception of crisis as a ‘new normal’. This conference, organized by the Jean Monnet Network “Crisis-Equity-Democracy for Europe and Latin America” discusses these processes, as well as the results of the 3rd Summit between the European Union (EU) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) that took place in July 2023.


Day 1: 28 September

9.00-10.30h – Opening & Keynote Speech
Pe. Anderson Antonio Pedroso, S.J. (Reitor PUC-Rio)
Ambassador Marian Schuegraf (European Union Delegation in Brasília) (tbc)
Isabel de Siqueira (Diretora IRI/PUC-Rio)
Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann (IRI/PUC-Rio, Coordenadora Jean Monnet Network Crisis-Equity-Democracy for Europe and Latin America)

Keynote Speaker: Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz | A new global order: on post-neoliberal globalisation (online) – With the kind authorization of the Robert Schuman Center, European University Institute, Italy.

11.00-13.00h – Panel 1: Multilateralism and democracy in crisis?
Coord. Monica Herz (PUC-Rio)
Ambassador Maria Luisa Escorel de Moraes (MRE)
Stephany Griffith-Jones (Banco Central del Chile) – online
José Ruiz Briceño (UNAM, Mexico)
Bettina Guilherme (European Parliament, EUI Fellow)
Tiziano Breda (IAI, Italy)

13.15-14.45h – Lunch Break

15.00-17.00h – Panel 2: EU-LAC relations in context
Coord. Maria Antonieta Lins (USP)
Julieta Zelicovich (University of Rosário, Argentina)
Maureen Santos (FASE)
Sarah Gaspar (Treatment Action Group)
Milena Coelho (Global Health Strategies)

Day 2: 29 September

10-12.00h – Roundtable: Taking stock of the EU-CELAC Summit and thinking ahead
Coord. Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann (PUC-Rio)
Jacint Jordana & Andrea Bianculli (IBEI, Spain) – online
Christian Ghymers (IRELAC, Belgium) – online
Detlef Nolte (GIGA, Germany)
Adhemar Mineiro (REBRIP)
Carol Salgado (PUC-Rio)

12.15-14.45h – Lunch