“Producing (Counter-) Knowledges of Conflict and Violence”, com Christine Andrä, 21/08 (quarta), 17h-19h, no Auditório IRI2.
Aula aberta da disciplina IRI1691 Lab de Negociação de Conflitos (OPP3 de Conflitos).
In this class, Christine Andrä will focus on the (international) politics of different kinds of knowledges of conflict, violence and war. It will (1) offer an initial problematization of knowledge production about conflict and violence; (2) introduce a range of critical and plural theoretical and conceptual tools for thinking about knowledge and its politics; (3) provide an overview of the most important kinds of actors engaged in the production, dissemination, and consumption of knowledge about conflict and violence in international politics; and (4) zoom in on the potentialities of counter-knowledges of conflict and violence, in particular those offered by arts, crafts, and other creative means to enable alternative imaginaries and transformative practices.