On November 19, Argentina will elect its next president. The candidates, Sergio Massa, the current Minister of the Economy from the Unión por la Patria party – and Javier Milei, the far-right candidate from the La Libertad Avanza party – will face each other in a second round marked by alliances and ruptures.
The electoral landscape of this decisive vote opens up unknowns about the future of the country. Regardless of who wins, difficult times lie ahead. To begin with, the uncertainty of an increasingly devalued economy, governability in the midst of a divided and polarized society. For Brazil, the risk of a deterioration in historic trade and diplomatic relations.
The Center for Ibero-American Studies and the Institute of International Relations invite the entire university community to take part in this thought-provoking and enlightening dialogue!
Date/Time: November 14th at 4pm
Venue: Auditorium of the IRI 2 – Institute of International Relations
Maria Elena Rodriguez (IRI/PUC-Rio)
Jose Maria Gomez (DIREITO/PUC-RIO)
Graciela Rodriguez (EQÜIT INSTITUTE)