The “Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration” (DDR) processes are fundamental parts of the negotiation and implementation of peace agreements. They express many of the challenges that permeate the reconstruction of political communities, including, among other elements, the end of the armed conflict, the reform of the rules for organizing violence in the so-called “post-conflict” period and the democratic control of the Armed Forces. In this sense, it is worth asking: what is the role of mediation in this context of practices?
The course “International Mediation”, taught by prof. Maíra Siman, conceives international mediation as a privileged analytical prism to address important theoretical, conceptual and empirical aspects that structure the dominant forms of managing violence and building peace in contemporary armed conflicts. It is understood that the study of mediation practices for peace makes it possible not only to shed light on the hierarchies and marginalizations that permeate the intervention of international actors in contexts of armed violence, but also to (re)think the place of the Global South in the production of knowledge and expertise in conflict resolution and transformation.
The course builds on the work of various research carried out within the framework of the Global South Unit for Mediation (GSUM).
We invite everyone to the open class on 12/2, at 3:00 pm, with the participation of prof. Monica Herz, GSUM coordinator.