The invasion of Ukraine by Russia on February 24, 2022 and the unfolding of this war for more than two months, causing deaths and displacement of the civilian population and a security crisis in Europe with global effects, is further evidence of the fragility of multilateralism in the global plan. The Delegation of the European Union to Brazil and the Jean Monnet Network ‘Crisis-Equity-Democracy for Europe and Latin America’, based at PUC-Rio, invite everyone to discuss the challenges and opportunities of the war in Ukraine for the strengthening of multilateralism, and the role of the European Union and Brazil in the multilateral resolution of this and other crises.
The event will take place on May 20, at the RDC Auditorium (PUC-Rio Campus, Gávea), from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. The event will allow IRI students who attend to credit hours in Complementary Activities.
Security crisis in Europe: challenges and opportunities for multilateralism
13:00-13:45 – Opening Table
EU Ambassador to Brazil H.E. Ignacio Ybáñez
Vice-Rector Fr. Anderson Antonio Pedroso, S.J.
Prof. Luis Manuel Fernandes, Director, IRI-PUC-Rio
Moderation: Prof. Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann
13:45-15:15 – War in Eastern Europe: challenges and opportunities for multilateralism
Prof. Kai Lehmann, USP
Professor Jamile Diz, UFMG
Moderation: Prof. Paula AImeida, FGV-Rio
15:15.15:30 – coffee break
15:30- 17:00 – The role of the European Union and Brazil for the multilateral resolution of crises
Professor Miriam Saraiva, UERJ
Prof. Tomaz Espósito Neto, UFGD
Moderation: Prof. Claudia Marconi, PUC-SP & FECAP