Geopolitics and its Critics

05 Set
07 Set

A Coordenação de Graduação está realizando dois Cursos-Cápsulas nos dias 5, 6 e 7 de setembro de 2018. Ambos os cursos serão destinados aos alunos e alunas de graduação do IRI. O número de vagas é limitados há a necessidade de inscrição prévia para participar (entrar em contato com a Coordenação).

As aulas serão ministradas em inglês e não haverá tradução simultânea. O local de realização dos cursos serão divulgados após a realização da inscrição.

Curso 1: Geopolitics and its Critics – 13 às 15h

with Stefano Guzzini

Geopolitics is an often used and misused concept that refers vaguely to anything related to international politics (as opposed to domestic politics), to a type of territorial politics, and also to a full-fledged theory of international affairs. The mini-course will focus on the latter presenting three approaches to it: classical and neo-classical geopolitics, critical geopolitics, performative or self-fulfilling geopolitics.

A first step presents the ideas of classical geopolitical thought and its recent revival and reform in ‘neo-classical’ geopolitics. Here, geopolitics refers to a determinist theory that sees in geography, human and physical, the main factors for understanding international politics. A second step presents a reflexive move. It does also focus on geographic factors but not in their ‘given’ or ‘natural’ effect; rather, how these factors are imagined and become reasons for action. Critical geopolitics focuses on the politics of geographic representations. Finally, ‘self-fulfilling geopolitics’ is about the self-fulfilling effects of such representations exemplified by an analysis of the return of geopolitical thought in Europe in the 1990s.

Curso 2: Global Visual Security (saiba mais) – 15 às 17h

with Anna Leander

